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Benjamin Drummond - The First Patient

1873 Medical Examiner Letter

This is a digital copy of the original record held by the National Archives.

Click here to see the other side of this letter. This is a digital copy of the original record 
held by the National Archives.

received at the capture of the "Morning Light" January 1863, off the coast of Texas. Injury was received in the line of duty.

(Signed) R. G. Dean, Surgeon

He was discharged March 23, 1868 as disabled to the extent of one-half of a total disability.

No mention is made in any part of the record of a gun-shot wound of the right shoulder.

The jacket and letter of the Commissioner of Pensions are enclosed as requested.

Very respectfully

Thomas J. Turner

Medl Inspr Ofr

This site is sponsored by the Friends of the Old Naval Hospital

Last updated October 25, 2008