Detailed report (at the bottom of this page) by Major Watkins, C. S. Army, commanding on the Sabine River to Captain E. P. Turner, Assistant Adjutant-General, of the capture of the Morning Light by forces under his command (Page 1 of 3). This report is in Volume 19 of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion.
On Board Steamer Bell,
Flagship Second Squadron, Magruder Fleet
Off Sabine Pass, January 23, 1863
CAPTAN: In compliance with Special Orders, No. 34, from the headquarters, District of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, I assumed command of all the land and naval forces operating on the Sabine River on the 4th instant.
The gunboats were unfinished, and the country could afford no subsistence for my troops. The railroad was rendered impassable by recent rains, and the obstructions to the navigation of the river had not been removed. Major B. Bloomfield was immediately dispatched for everything necessary to the complete outfit of the boats, and Captain Heriot and Leiutenant Wood, of hte Engineers, were sent with troops to the steamer Sunflower to remove the obstructions. The engineer officers were ably and zealously assisted by Mr. John Bigelow and Mr. A. P. Brown, but were unable, with the mechanical appliances under our control, to clear the channel. (This report is continued on page 565)
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Last updated November 9, 2008