Supplemental report of (Confederate) Major Oscar M. Watkins to Captain E. P. Turner, Assistant Adjutant-General, regarding the capture of the USS Morning Light (Page 4 of 4). This is in Volume 19 of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion.
Supplemental report of Major Watkins, C. S. Army, commanding on the Sabine River. (Page 4 of 4 pages)
(This report is continued from page 569) Johnson, Captain Fowler still reported sick. The ship was grounded on the bar, and while we were working at the guns two propellers of the United States service, the New London and the Cayuga, approached us from the westward and the torch was applied to our finest prize before most of her guns had been removed.
I regret to announce the loss of Sergeant Davis, of Captain Nolan's company (G), Second Texas Mounted Rifles. After fighting and laboring zealously, he fell accidentally from the captured schooner on the night of the 21st and now sleeps in the Gulf, over which he was the first to carry in triump the flag of the State.
I have the honor to remain, with great respect,
Oscar M. Watkins,
Major and Assistant Adjutant-General.
Captain E. P. Turner
Assistant Adjutant-General.
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Last updated November 9, 2008