Report (on the bottom of this page) dated April 1, 1863, by Acting Master Dillingham, U. S. Navy, late commanding U. S. ship Morning Light, to Commodore H. H. Bell (Page 1 of 3 pages). This report is in Volume 19 of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion. (The enclosure to this report can be found on pages 557 and 558)
(The enclosure to this report can be found on pages 557 and 558)
Houston, April 1, 1863
Sir: I forward you a list of the officers and privates captured on the U. S. ship Morning Light and the schooner Velocity included. Enclosed is also a list of the officers and privates of U. S. S. Harriet Lane and Forty-second Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, and would beg to call your earliest attention to having us exchanged via Galveston and the Mississippi River instead of overland via Alexandria, as many of our men are partially invalided and not capable of making the journey. I have forwarded a list of our names to Major Watts, the Confederate agent for exchange of prisoners at Port Hudson, and am advised to ask your assistance in having the exchange effected as soon as possible.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
John Dillingham,
Acting Master, U. S. Navy, late Comdg. U. S. Ship Morning Light.
Commodore H. H. Bell,
Commanding U. S. Naval Forces off Texas.
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Last updated November 9, 2008