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Benjamin Drummond - The First Patient

USS Morning Light - Reports of Capture

Enclosure to report dated April 1, 1863, by Acting Master Dillingham, U. S. Navy, late commanding U. S. ship Morning Light, to Commodore H. H. Bell (Page 2 of 3 pages). This report is in Volume 19 of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion.(The report can be found on the bottom of page 556, and this enclosure is continued on page 558)

Report of Acting Master Dillingha, U. S. Navy, late commanding U. S. ship Morning Light,  
to Commodore H. H. Bell

(NOTE - The report can be found on the bottom of page 556, and this enclosure is continued on page 558)


List of officers and men of the U. S. ship Morning Light, John Dillingham, acting master, commanding.

Henry W. Washburn Acting Master and executive Officer
W. W. Fowler Acting Master
George H. Rice
John W. Sherfy Surgeon Returned.
John L. Chambers Acting master's mate
Henry L. Van Wyck Paymaster's steward
George H. Abbott Yeoman Died Dec. 12, 1863, Camp Groce.
1 W.J.R. Clark Surgeio's steward
2 Jno. Morrison Boatswain's mate
3 Jno. H. Williams Exchanged.
4 Wm. Campbell Captain forecastle Died June 26, 1864, Camp Groce.
5 Wm. Jenkins Captain maintop
6 Daniel George Captain foretop Exchanged.
7 Peter Le Prevost Captain afterguard Died at Camp Groce, July 9, 1863.
8 John Bowen Coxswain
9 Antonio Galushia
10 Thomas Sheperd Quartermaster Exchanged.
11 John P. Lind
12 Joseph Little Master-at-arms
13 Jno. McClennan Captain of hold
14 Chas. Thomas Gunner's mate Died Sept. -, 1863, Camp Groce.
15 Jas. H. Warden Quarter gunner
16 Jno. T. Griffith Carpenter's mate
17 Jno. Halsey Captain forecastle
18 Morris E. Lyons Captain's steward Excaped.
19 Joseph C. Shorter Wardroom steward Negro.
20 James Johnson Wardroom cook Do.
21 Timothy Baldwin Ship's cook Died Aug. -, 1863, Camp Groce.
22 Alphonso Mathews Seaman Exchanged as a soldier.
23 Edward Noble Do.
24 Wm. Thomas
25 Jno. S. Taplin Do.
26 Henry R. Snyder
27 Daniel Illingworth Exchanged.
28 Daniel Burke
29 George Dawson
30 John Williams, 2d
31 John D. Oliver
32 Michael Sugrue
33 W.H.H. Gilbert
34 Augustus Johnson
35 F.A. Van Ronk Do.
36 Chas. Ryan Do.
37 Joseph Hafley Do.
38 Francis Murray
39 Henry D. Buck
40 Chas. Baxter Died Dept. 23, 1863, at Camp Groce, Tex.
41 Jno. Dickson
42 George Owen
43 Wm. Sweeney
44 Chas. Mosely
45 Henry Newell Believed to have escaped.
46 Chas. Lane
47 Jas. Mason Ordinary seamsn
48 Jas. Redan Negro.
49 Jas. H. Collins Exchanged.
50 Geo. F. Mitus
51 Wm. Ferry
52 Michael Boyld
53 Benjamin Drummond Negro.
54 James Collins Exchanged.
55 M.F. Wilson
56 Thomas Egan
57 Michael Kenney
58 Lawrence Bartley
59 Wm. Brock Do.
60 O.A. Coburn
61 Archy McArthur
62 C.B. Tweedy Died July -, 1864, at Hempstead, Tex.
63 John Ryan
64 John McNulty Exchanged.
65 James Peterson Negro.

(NOTE - The report can be found on the bottom of page 556, and this enclosure is continued on page 558)

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Last updated November 9, 2008