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USS Morning Light - Reports of Capture

Enclosure to report dated April 1, 1863, by Acting Master Dillingham, U. S. Navy, late commanding U. S. ship Morning Light, to Commodore H. H. Bell (Page 3 of 3 pages). This report is in Volume 19 of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion. (This enclosure is continued from page 557. The report can be found on the bottom of page 556)

Report of Acting Master Dillingha, U. S. Navy, late commanding U. S. ship Morning Light, 
to Commodore H. H. Bell

(NOTE - This enclosure is continued from page 557. The report can be found on the bottom of page 556)

List of offices and men of U. S. ship Morning Light, Captain John Dillingham, acting master, commanding - Continued.

List of officers and men of the U. S. ship Morning Light, John Dillingham, acting master, commanding.

66 W.T. O'Brien Landsman Died Dec. 25, 1863, at Tyler, Tex.
67 Henry Bartlett Exchanged
68 Peter Keenan Died Nov. 30, 1863, at Camp Groce.
69 W.L.G. Smith Negro.
70 J.H. Cleggett Do.
71 Augustus Wode
72 Edward Williams Do.
73 Issac Stubbs Do.
74 David Saterfield Do.
75 Joseph Plumber Do.
76 C.R. Bliss Exchanged.
77 Wm. Jenkins
78 W.H. Blaney Do.
79 James Duffey Dead. See report herewith.
80 John Soshia Negro.
81 Edmund Carr Do.
82 George H. Travis First-class boy
83 Patrick Monon
84 M.C. Poulson
85 A.J. Seymour Second-class boy Do.
86 Alex Wilson Do.
87 Boson Davis Third-class boy Do.
88 Jerry Chambers Do.
89 Robert Green Do.
90 Fray Francois Do.
91 Phillip Soshia Do.
92 Brazil Soshia Do.
93 James Soshia Negro. Died in Houston, March 21, 1863.
94 Gustav Louisiana Negro.
95 Wm. Dread Do.
96 Jerry Walker Do.
97 Archy Vance Do.
98 Anderson Shields Do.
99 Robt. Johnson Do.
100 George Bryan Do.
101 Patk. Ferlin Ordinary seaman Killed in action, Jan. 21, 1863.
102 A.W. Marshall Died from wound in brain, Jan. 27.

Total number of officers and men now in Houston, 107.

N.W. Hammond,

Actg. Volunteer Lieutenant Comdg., U. S. Schooner Velocity.

John Dillingham,

Actg. Master, U. S. N., late comdg. U. S. Ship Morning Light.

(NOTE - This enclosure is continued from page 557. The report can be found on the bottom of page 556)

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Last updated November 9, 2008